Hello, everyone! Gus here, to tell you about Christmas Day. It was an eventful morning in our household. Actually, it was a major event, because it was the first year that I was allowed to participate in Christmas morning with the family. My first two years I was crated during the opening of the gifts. Granted, I always had a new yummy bone to keep me occupied, but it wasn't the same as being with the whole family. So this year, Edie and the girls insisted that I join the fun, and oh boy, was it fantastic! All those scents. Wow! I thought you might enjoy the following holiday photos and videos.
Here is a video clip of me helping Amanda open a bottle of cologne, using typical bloodhound technique.

Dimond Willow has been helping open gifts for about 7 years, so she has perfected her technique. She is delicate yet persistent in her efforts. This is a clip of Dimond helping Alyssa.
Every year we take a photo of the girls and dogs in front of the tree. Last year it would not work because Dimond was the only dog to cooperate. After many tries, Edie managed to get this shot. Note the leash. This is the first year a leash has been employed to keep a dog in position!
This next photo is proof that Amanda can tame the wild bloodhound beast with a cello:

This is what my humans see when beginning to open a present... I try to be as intimidating as possible!
Here are Dimond and I relaxing on the couch. Edie refers to it as "hairing up and smelling up the furniture."
We had a wonderful Christmas season, and hope you did as well.
Wishing you peace, happiness and good dogs in the New Year!
Gus, Bloodhound of the Alaskan Frontier
Gus, you are a lucky hound to be allowed to assist in the opening of the presents. I am still not allowed to partake fully in the activities. I do get to open my own presents, so it's not so bad. Maybe next year! It gives a hound something to look forward to.
We all enjoyed the pictures and video - it's so much fun to hear other hounds and see their activities.
Stay safe - hope the temperatures get above zero for you pretty soon. (but, we looked at the forecast for you guys, and it doesn't look to hopeful).
PS - My human guardian is wondering if you have you considered marketing "Relaxing Cello Music for Hounds"? I bet there would be a market for that!
Bentley, cello music for hounds is an excellent idea! I think the girls will enjoy working on that project!
Our weather is still very cold. 60 degrees below zero at many friend's houses. We are all wearing our booties. It only takes one person to put them on me now, but only until I decide to be difficult again!
Stay warm in your neck of the woods too!
Frosty Gus
Love the videos, guys! It looked like so much fun! The taming of the savage bloodhound photo was really sweet. Gus, do you accompany the cello ever? I sing where there's opera on TV. I can't believe the temperatures in Alaska--WOW. Mom and Dad have been having a hard time getting me out in the mornings. I do the stubborn bloodhound thing Mom loves so much and don't move. Anyway, I love the blog--keep up the good work!
Dimond, the white hound, is like you, Marmalade! She will go bounding to the door and then come to a screeching halt when her nose hits the cold air! She stays in a warm Manmat jacket 24 hours a day right now. She is most definitely bred for the warmth of the south! In the summer months she is our "sun dog". She goes from sunbeam to sunbeam on the deck all day long.
I do not sing along with the cello. It actually causes me to have bursts of energy where I run and chase and wrestle Dimond all over the house. We hurtle through the room and Amanda has to leap up and hold up the cello so we don't destroy it. Hmmmm...I think it would be great video material...!!!
That sounds like a great Christmas. Have a great 2009!
Love your dogs! We just got a Walker coonhound pup...rescued it from a litter destined to live in a kennel in a back yard in Sedro Woolley Washington...his name is Roscoe.
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