Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whose Bed Is It Anyway??

Edie got up to get a cup of coffee and she seriously expected to have a spot on the bed? Really. Humans are so dumb.

By the way, that IS a queen size bed, you know.


Bernie said...

Awesome! I am known for my sharp elbow and my ability to spread out. Gus has it down as well!

the teacher's pets said...

Hello....I found out about your blog while visiting HoneyBelle Basset's blog and when I read your bio I was so thrilled to know I am not the only one who blogs about treeing walker coonhounds! I have a coonhound named Daisy and she is full of personality, naughtiness, and love! I am your newest follower and it would be my pleasure if you came by to see my blog!

Edie and Gus said...

Thanks for visiting! How old is your walker hound? Dimond Willow, spelled the Alaskan way, is 9. She is now very laid back, actually our "best" hound. After about 5 highly mischievous years, she has taken a backseat to Gus, a.k.a. The Gusinator.

Your blog is awesome. I have neglected this one for too long, but am finding more time to get back into it. Looking forward to sharing more hound stories--check back in soon!


Edie and Gus said...

You know, Bernie, I was very happy to have Gus at the end of my bed this week. It's getting cold out, and we are heating the house with only wood, so my bedroom is about 58 degrees all night. BRRR!

D.K. Wall said...

Looks totally normal to us.

LailaSmith01 said...

Great picture...the bed is conquered by dogs it!!!!

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